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A member registered Mar 27, 2020

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I have heard every soundtrack in the game and they are all wonderful and very polished. Recently I have been looking for a studio/software to make music on but the results I have had so far have only been "ok"

Good job with the update! Already makes me excited to play it :)

Also something I thought of was a fortress on foot which is a castle tower which little feet under it, this enemy would do high  damage and have medium walkspeed.

A Diesel Truck which does lots of damage when it runs into you, but it is slow. Also maybe a sports car which drives fast but does low damage.

A new hat suggestion I thought of was a baseball cap and the way to obtain this hat is to hit an enemy a certain distance away with a baseball bat.

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Another suggestion I have, is to add a giant baseball bat inside the dinosaur statues mouth and once you pick it up it changes your skin to then one from your previous game Schwing. Since you use a baseball bat the whole game.

I was thinking about having a first person option while your playing  to enchant the experience. Loving 0.0.6 it feels very sturdy and polished! Keep up the good work :D

Post all your suggestions for the game here masks, weapons, enemies, etc.

The fastest way to kill Mrs.Slithers is to  bring a pineapple to the school then go into classroom once you have she will try to get in the window. This allows you to shoot her without getting hurt. This also kills her faster since it is easier to hit her with then the shovel, baseball bat, or sword.

Although this update was small and boring, it will make a difference in the end. Also keep up the good work!

You can speed run through the school area all you need to do is fly from the window to the roof, then avoid Ingot. Destroy the crates to get juice then open the door.

You are right but I was talking about for beginners mainly/ lower level areas

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When you go into the door to leave the school, you cannot fly back up to it (this was confirmed by the developer).

The pineapple is the most op weapon currently (besides the Dragon Slayer), but the pineapple will be nerfed soon.

Some people have reported after going to 500 enemy level the game will stop generating enemies.

Secret 2: When you go into the houses basement go down the hole, you will reach the underground castle. When you get there the first castle has a hole in it and if you fall down it you will be greeted with a special enemy called the Creator.

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Also the Pollywog might be a reference to the Wollywog from the Pikmin series. Since they seem like they would be classified in the same species family.

Secret 1: There is a sword called the Dragon Slayer in the yellow statues mouth, this weapon currently one shots enemies and gives you lots of juice for defeating an enemy (Ex. Pollwog at lobby gives you over 1,000 juice).

Reveal secrets in Juice World including weapons, enemies, etc!